LEYBONOL LVO 150 진공펌프 오일

LEYBONOL LVO 150 진공펌프 오일

Viscosity at 40 °C: 63.34 mm²/s
Oil type: Mineral oil with additives
로그인 후 가격 확인

Package Size:

LEYBONOL LVO 150 진공펌프 오일

Mineral oil with additives. H1 registration by NSF. Constituents approved by the FDA under CFR 178.3570. In acc. with USDA-H1. Suitable for use in the food & packaging industry.

Examples of use:
Recommended for applications in the food industry.

Product examples:
SOGEVAC (A-series ≥ SV 100 & B-series ≥ SV 40 B)

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